After learning she had cancer, Ed Sheeran wrote seven songs in only four hours, according to his wife Cherry Seaborn.

Cherry Seaborn, Ed Sheeran’s wife, has discussed how her husband penned seven songs in only four hours to cope with the sad news that she was suffering from cancer while carrying their second child.
In a new documentary titled Ed Sheeran: The Sum of It All, scheduled for global release on May 3, 2023, the 32-year-old singer opened out about her disease, which at the time she was told could not be treated until she gives birth.
Before Seaborn goes into great detail about her cancer experience, a sobbing Sheeran describes the difficult moment he learned of his wife’s diagnosis.
In the documentary, she adds, “Long story short, I got cancer at the start of the year, which was a huge s**tter, but it made me massively reflect on our mortality.”
I was telling Eds, “I’d never, ever, ever have consented to do something like this, but it made me think this whole year, what would people think of me if I passed away?
What will I be leaving behind? I didn’t truly feel like I would die until this year, she continues.
The singer handled the situation well, according to Seaborn, who continues, “We had the tumour diagnosis and the next day Eds went down into the basement and composed seven songs in four hours.
“Some people keep diaries and use the pen to express their emotions. For Eds, if something particularly traumatic occurs, he’ll go write a song.”
Ed responds, “Music has always been therapeutic for me. As a child, it served as a means of expressing my feelings and thoughts, and it still does. It truly does work.
“I’d never, ever, ever have agreed to do something like this,” I was saying to Eds, “but it made me ponder this whole year about what would people think of me if I passed away.
What am I going to leave behind? She says, “I didn’t really feel like I was going to die until this year.
Seaborn recalls, “We had the malignancy diagnosis and the next day Eds went down into the basement and composed seven songs in four hours. The vocalist handled the situation beautifully.