July 24, 2024

Election: Christians and Muslims in Southern Kaduna reach a peace accord

Prior to the general election in 2023, the Southern Kaduna Christian Leaders Association claims it has a peace agreement with the Council of Imams and Ulama.

The agreement was made to encourage Muslims and Christians in the area to shun violence, embrace dialogue, and remain committed to the pact before, during, and after the 2023 general election, according to a statement signed on Monday by the Chief Imam Dr. Muhammad Kassim and the Chairman of the Southern Kaduna Christian Leaders, Apostle Emmanuel Kure.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by religious leaders as a symbol of their commitment to upholding peaceful coexistence for the benefit of the region, according to the two organizations.

“Stakeholders of both Christians and Muslims are committed to the promotion of peaceful co-existence among communities in Southern Kaduna, Kaduna State, and Nigeria.

The two religious groups and their members have collectively and separately agreed to make sure that there is no violence during the general election in 2023. They also note that even if there is a crisis elsewhere, they will work together to make sure that it does not spread to the region and that none of their members are involved.

“Therefore, this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) articulates the participants’ common goals in support of a general election in Southern Kaduna without a conflict in 2023, as well as their individual commitments.

Before, during, and after the general election in 2023, the organization vowed to protect the country from both external and domestic problems. “Anyone who seeks to aid outsiders to create or start a crisis, we will jointly free our members,” the group said.

The MOU was also intended to lay the groundwork for continued communication and collaboration between the parties, allowing for the inclusion of upcoming initiatives and areas of shared interest in this framework.


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