July 22, 2024

Elections in 2023: Buhari Applauds the Exercise but Is Disappointed Some Candidates Lost

The conduct of the elections in 2023 has received praise from President Muhammadu, who called it credible. However, he regretted that some candidates did not succeed in the test.

He said that during a farewell conversation with Mary Beth Leonard, the departing US ambassador, on Tuesday at the State House in Abuja.

President Muhammadu Buhari stated in a statement that given the opportunity for a free and fair election and non-interference, as was seen on February 25 and March 18 elections, Nigerians have demonstrated their ability to choose who will lead them without outside interference.

“President Buhari noted that Nigeria’s democracy has truly developed. He expressed happiness with the amazing zeal for democracy displayed by Nigerians through their voting decisions in the presidential, national assembly, and following governorship and state houses of assembly elections.

People are becoming aware of their power. Nobody can tell people what to do if they have the opportunity to cast a free and fair vote. I find it disappointing that several candidates did not win. But the idea that people had the power to choose for themselves who won and who lost motivates me. Even though there was no money to distribute as a result of the currency change, I nevertheless advised people to use the money and cast their ballots in accordance with their moral convictions.



Recent elections demonstrate the nation’s voter integrity and maturity, according to President Buhari.

People are becoming aware of their power. Nobody can tell people what to do if they have the opportunity to cast a free and fair vote. I find it disappointing that several candidates did not win. But the idea that people had the power to choose for themselves who won and who lost motivates me. Even though there was no money to distribute as a result of the currency change, I nevertheless advised people to use the money and cast their ballots in accordance with their moral convictions.

President Buhari expressed his entire satisfaction with his own involvement in the electoral process by remaining above it during a farewell meeting with the departing US ambassador, Mary Beth Leonard, at the State House in Abuja, without interfering or being intrusive in any way.

The President praised the departing ambassador for the significant advancements in US-Nigeria relations made during her three and a half years in office.

He outlined a variety of obstacles Nigeria faces as it works to bring together its varied populations and achieve national development, and he expressed his admiration for how the United States is able to maintain its unity as a whole. He voiced optimism for Nigeria’s continued progress in creating a country out of its numerous, competitive communities. He continued by saying that the Ambassador was a pleasure to work with and wanted she could stay longer.

President Buhari responded to a query from Ambassador Leonard by stating that he intended to be a “big landlord” at home, managing his fields and more than 300 animals. I can’t wait to leave, the President declared.

the establishment of a five-year visa regime between the two nations; active cooperation in security and the supply of military hardware including war planes and the soon-to-arrive fighter helicopters; and cooperation in the health sector to fight HIV and Covid response, assuring that US will cooperate; among other things, the American Ambassador said she was pleased with the progress made in Nigeria-US relations in these three and a half years.

Ambassador Leonard expressed her gratitude and that of the US government for the President’s ongoing efforts to maintain regional security and strengthen democracy as a form of government, praising in particular his firm response to the recent upsurge in coups d’état in West Africa.

She expressed hope that the President may still accomplish a few things as he gets ready to go, mentioning the urgent necessity to end gasoline subsidies as one of them.

Garba Shehu

Senior Special Assistant to the President,

Media and Publicity

March 21, 2023

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