July 23, 2024

Man charged in Lagos for getting married to a second wife

A guy named Edmund Uzoma was charged with bigamy after he wed a second wife and was brought before a Yaba Magistrates’ Court in Lagos State.

After getting married to Sophia Yongxian at a wedding register, he was charged with three counts of bigamy and falsifying facts on a marriage certificate before Magistrate Adeola Olatunbosun. Uzoma was also charged with lying about being married and claiming to be single.

Uzoma committed the offense in 2019, according to the prosecution, Idowu Osungbure, who testified in court. Sections 411 and 115 of the Lagos State Criminal Laws as well as Section 370 of the Criminal Code Act, Cap. C. 38 Laws of the Federation, 2004, both penalise the offense.


The accusation against him stated;


That you, Edmund Uzoma, of Lekki Road 15, Golden Gate Apartment, Lagos, did plan to commit a felony, namely bigamy and making a false statement or declaration, on or around the year 2019 in Lagos, in the Lagos Magisterial District.

Uzoma entered a not guilty plea to the charge, and the magistrate granted him bail in the amount of N1m with two dependable sureties in the same amount.


One of the sureties, according to Magistrate Olatunbosun, must own real estate in Lagos. After upon, the case was postponed until March 15, 2023.

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