July 25, 2024

Most of Pakistan loses electricity due to a massive outage

A malfunction in Pakistan’s national electricity infrastructure caused a significant power outage early on Monday, according to the energy ministry.

All of the country’s major cities, including the largest, Karachi, the capital, Islamabad, Lahore, and Peshawar, were without power.

According to Pakistan’s power minister Khurrum Dastagir, a “frequency variation” caused the grid breakdown in the south of the country.

It was “not a serious crisis,” he claimed, and power will return soon.

The grid “suffered a loss of frequency, which produced a serious failure” at around 07:30 local time (02:30 GMT), according to a statement from the energy ministry. It added that “rapid work” was being done to revive the system.

According to Mr. Dastagir, who spoke to Geo TV, some of the nation’s grids have already been repaired, and power will be fully restored in 12 hours.

“We temporarily shut down our power producing systems at night as an economic measure,” he added. “In winter, the demand for electricity decreases nationally.”

In southern Pakistan, “somewhere between Dadu and Jamshoro,” when they were turned on in the morning, “frequency variation and voltage fluctuation” were seen. As a result, “power generating units shut down one by one,” he told the TV channel.

In an effort to conserve money on power, the government mandated earlier daily closing times for marketplaces and shopping centers earlier this month.

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