July 23, 2024

‘Not a crime,’ Donald Trump says at a rally in Texas.

Donald Trump held his first presidential campaign rally on Saturday in Texas, dismissing the possibility of an indictment and railing against the numerous criminal investigations that threaten his bid for the White House.

The Republican was bracing for potential charges over a hush-money payout just days before the 2016 election, to a porn star alleging a sexual encounter, and spoke to a few thousand supporters in the city of Waco — far fewer than the 15,000 he had anticipated.

According to Trump, the investigation is being conducted into “something that is not a crime, not a misdemeanor, not an affair,” and he has been the target of “one witch hunt and phony investigation after another,” he told supporters.

The former president has issued a barrage of statements that are getting angrier and angrier, accusing prosecutors who are pursuing cases against him in New York, Washington, and Atlanta of “misconduct” and calling them “human scum.”

The 76-year-old, who was impeached for inciting an uprising, falsely claimed that he was about to be arrested when he called last weekend for protests against Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

“Actually, there has been prosecutorial misconduct. That is the name of it. He told the cheering crowd, “These radical left maniacs don’t give a damn about people’s innocence.

For devoted supporters, the lines were probably well-known, and the appearance represented an exciting chance to finally see the former president at a rally.

Hungarian-American retiree Marianna Bodrogi told AFP that it was “the first time I’ve seen Trump in person” as Trump spoke in the background.

He’s our savior, I love him, the 69-year-old said.

Feeling his spirit’ Some of the people traveling to Waco for the Trump rally were from other states, and they expressed their desire to see their candidate take back the presidency. Many of them were sporting MAGA hats or waving campaign flags.

“We have enormous power behind Donald Trump that hasn’t even begun to be released,” said Georgia resident Kelly Heath, 49. You will be surprised.

Trump is thought to be the favorite to be the Republican nominee for president in 2024.

The chasing pack, led by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, initially held back from criticizing the former reality TV star but has since started to do so due to the persistent stench of scandal that hangs over him.

As she prepared to enter the new election season, physician Felicia Macik, a Waco resident, told AFP that the event had been “just really inspiring.”

A highlight of the rally, according to the 54-year-old, was “just seeing him in person, feeling his spirit, and making our presence known here.”

The ex-president’s departure from the rally on his plane served as a backdrop for some of his speech.

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Death and devastation

In an effort to prevent Joe Biden from taking office peacefully, Trump supporters started a deadly riot at the US Capitol, which is why he is the subject of a federal investigation.

Commentators pointed out that he purposefully did not ask protesters to behave peacefully this time.

Early on Friday morning, Trump warned of the dire repercussions of an indictment, stating that they “could be catastrophic for our Country” and predicting “potential death & destruction.”

He implied that Bragg, who is in charge of the investigation into hush money, was a “degenerate psychopath that truly hates the USA.”

Trump’s decision to hold his rally in Waco was loaded with symbolism because the city is commemorating the 30th anniversary of a deadly standoff between a government-opposing cult and federal agents and because it has become a touchstone for far-right fringe activists who take pride in their history of government resistance.

On Friday, a few Trump backers trickled into the Waco Siege Memorial to remember the roughly 80 victims of the 1993 standoff at the Branch Davidian sect compound that was surrounded by federal agents.

Trump did not, however, mention the incident on Saturday night.

According to his spokesperson, the city in central Texas was chosen because it is simple to reach other parts of the state.


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