July 24, 2024

Sen Tsauri asserts that there are no factions inside the Katsina PDP

There are no factions in the party, according to Senator Ibrahim Umar Tsauri, the chairman of the Katsina State People’s Democratic Party’s (PDP) governorship campaign council.

The denial follows a statement made by Hon. Salisu Majigiri, a former state chairman of the party, alleging former Governor Ibrahim Shehu Shema and a few other party members are affiliated with a group.

During a campaign stop in Mai’Adua Local Government Area on Wednesday, Tsauri asserted that “the Katsina PDP has no such thing as a faction; it does not exist.

The party leadership is in charge, and it won’t think twice about taking action against anyone who disobeys its norms.

He asked residents of Katsina to support the PDP in the next general elections at all levels.

Sen. Yakubu Lado, the party’s governorship candidate, declared earlier at the gathering that the All Progressives Congress’s inadequate leadership had brought Nigeria to the brink of collapse (APC).

APC misrule has caused suffering for Nigerians by undoing the accomplishments made during the 16 years of PDP rule, according to Lado, who welcomed an undefined number of defectors from the APC and the New Nigeria People’s Party into the PDP.

“I promise you that Nigerians would smile again with the announcement of Atiku Abubakar’s five-point program of answers to Nigeria’s difficulties if given the opportunity.”

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